The Livna family trace their descent from Benjen Naus Livna, an Otherling explorer of the North Seas. Benjen sailed from the Nethershores on his ship, the Naukleros. Upon discovering the rocky coast, he settled and ruled the Northern cliffs until he swore fealty to King Basileus Hadar. The Livna’s Otherling roots are weak, for once they joined the court of King Basileus, they no longer married Otherling women. Tsaftown, once a great fishing village, became a frozen wasteland when Darkness fell, ushering a Great Freeze on the northern lands of Er’Rets. It is dangerous to be outside in Tsaftown longer than a few minutes, as one might freeze to death. Many soldiers travel through Tsaftown transporting prisoners to Ice Island, which sits just off the coast. Tsaftown still harvest many fish, though now their fishing ships sail the south seas and dock in Zerah Rock. Instead, fishermen in Tsaftown fish for dagfish through holes in the ice. Tsaftown provides a host of merchants who travel Er’Rets selling dried fish and fish oils to inland villages.
Tsaftown’s blason is a green dagfish on a black and gold background.
Sir Edik Livna, Lord of Tsaftown
-his wife, Lady Revada, House of Mitspah
-their children:
-Erik, heir to Tsaftown
-his wife, Lady Viola, of Zerah Rock
-Leif, twenty-one, Master’s Mate aboard the Brierstar
-Tara, a maid of sixteen
-his siblings:
-Chory, warden of Reshon Gates
-Chantry, Commander of the ship Brierstar
-Chantry’s son, Mardell
-Chantry’s twin daughters, Merry and Sadie
-Chantry’s daughter, Lathia
-Chidley, died as a child
-Nitsa, Duchess of Carm, widowed
-his mother, Lady Merris of Gershom, widowed
-his nephew, Mardell
-his household
– Ghee, a chambermaid
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