The first thing you need to know about description is that it’s necessary in a book. The second thing you need to know is that description is not always “telling.” Description can be a form of telling, but that doesn’t mean you can get away without describing things in your story for fear you will… Continue Reading
To Darkness Fled Update
I am hard at work finishing up To Darkness Fled, the second book in the Blood of Kings series. I’m at about 460 pages, which doesn’t really mean anything, since it hasn’t been edited yet. I’m hoping it won’t be any longer than the first one. I’ve only got about six scenes left, then I… Continue Reading
Back to School. Back to Writing
School started in John Day today. My son started second grade and my baby girl started kindergarten. She was so excited! I took lots of pictures (I’m a proud Momma!) and then settled down at the computer to write. To actually work on book two in the Blood of Kings series. That’s right, I worked… Continue Reading
Dayville’s Meet the Writers Report
(Left to Right: Enes Smith, me, Paty Jager and Tink, and Kristi St. Clair) Dayville’s Meet the Writers was a blast. I had such a good time meeting other writers. I had the pleasure of sharing a table with crime author Enes Smith. The man is filled with wisdom and great stories. He was a… Continue Reading
Meet the Authors: Dayville, OR
I’m getting my things together for the event tomorrow in Dayville. Meet the Authors is free. So if you live in Grant County and love writing, come on out to the Dayville Community Hall. There will be three other writers there tomorrow besides me. Enes Smith writes crime fiction. Paty Jaeger writes romance. And Kristy… Continue Reading
North! Or Be Eaten by Andrew Peterson
Review by Jill Williamson This story starts out where the first book left off: in Peet the Sock Man’s tree house. Janner, Tink, Leeli, Podo, and Nia are about to set off for the Ice Prairies, but they don’t get going soon enough and end up on the run from the Fangs of Dang. It’s… Continue Reading
Andrew Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga
There is a new fantasy series out there, and it’s wonderful. It’s called The Wingfeather Saga, and it’s written by the talented, Andrew Peterson. Not only can Andrew Peterson write, he can draw so well you just stare at the pictures in awe. Click on the picture of the Igby cottage to enter his Web… Continue Reading
**Note: These rules are for writing books. My source is the Chicago Manual of Style. If you are writing articles, some of the rules are a bit different. Refer to the Associated Press Stylebook if you are writing articles. I. The Colon A. Capitalization How do you know whether or not to capitalize the first… Continue Reading
As I critique the work of beginning authors, a few errors come up on a regular basis. In this post I’m going to tackle some punctuation issues that new writers have a hard time with. Once you get these rules down, your writing craft will improve immensely. **Note: These rules are for writing books. My source… Continue Reading
What’s the Deal with Showing and Telling?
Someone reads your work and says, “There’s too much telling here. You need to show.” Huh? This is that great mystery for beginning writers and even for some writers who’ve been at it a while. Writers like me. My editor, Jeff Gerke, got on my case for sneaking in little bits of telling. “Stop that!”… Continue Reading
Point of view is a tricky thing to learn, but once you grasp it, you’ll be able to pull the reader into your characters world. That’s one attribute of a great storytelling. Point of view is the perspective of the story. There are four perspectives a story can be written in. Once the author chooses… Continue Reading
How to Write a Book Review
In my experience as an editor, a writer, and a book reviewer, I have learned the power of online books reviews. They help an author’s ranking at online bookstores. The higher the ranking, the better the sales. For each book review I write, I do my best to post the review on,, GoodReads, and… Continue Reading