Mary Agius helped me put together a homeschool curriculum guide for By Darkness Hid. Mary is the coauthor of the homeschool curriculum that goes with Jeff Gerke’s Art & Craft of Writing Christian Fiction Workbook. She and I are working on creating homeschool guides for books two and three.
As of right now, this is a download-only product. We have yet to find a printer who will print a booklet with so few pages that won’t cost a fortune up front. If we find a place and start offering a printed version for sale, I will let you know.
Product Description: This 24-page resource is designed to maximize the literary benefits of the novel By Darkness Hid in a homeschooling format. It includes chapter discussion questions, as-you-read bookmarks to help your student increase his vocabulary skills, hands-on artistic activities that include making a map and designing your own heraldic flag, and fun creative writing assignments.
A student/teacher lesson plan gives a day-to-day schedule to work through the novel in three weeks. By allowing one extra week for additional writing or other projects, a student can finish the book in one month.
Special Offer: When you purchase this guide you will also receive a code that will give you a 15% discount off of any one of the books in the Blood of Kings trilogy.
I’m curious. Do you homeschool your children?
Hi, Marla. No, I don’t homeschool. I thought about it back when I lived in Los Angeles. I was seriously afraid to send my kids to school down there. But then we moved to a tiny town in Oregon, and the schools are very small and the teachers are good. So my husband and I decided to put our kids in the public school here.
Mary Agius, the coauthor on the By Darkness Hid Curriculum Guide, homeschools her children. She wrote the majority of the curriculum for our project. I wrote the discussion questions and came up with some crafty ideas. Mary is the same author who wrote the curriculum to go with Jeff Gerke’s Art & Craft of Writing Christian Fiction as well.