It’s almost here. Really this time. I know, I know, there have been several false starts with the release of this book. But trust me, the books are coming. I know because I got some in the mail. The advanced reader copies, that is. And when that happens, there’s no turning back. No more delays.
Outcasts will release on January 7, 2014.
Oh yes. It will happen.
And you know what that means . . .
G I V E A W A Y S !
Starting this week, I’ll give away one advanced reader copy per week as we count down to January 7.
Want to see the advance reader copy? Check it out:
Want an advance reader copy? Leave a comment and tell me why.
I’ve just got to have this for my two boys. They would love this!!!!
I love your books and am looking forward to the book!
I would love an ARC! I really enjoyed the first book and want to read the second as soon as possible.
Why? Because when I finished Captives it hurt not to be able to find out what happens next.
Also, because there is competition at our library for your books.
Can’t wait for this book!
Looking forward to it coming out!
Because it would be the best present for Rachel and one I KNOW she will like.
Because I LOVED the first book (which i won from you) and I really, really want to read this one.
1. I adore your books. Captives was just pure awesomeness. 🙂
2. I would review it on the blog!
3. Did I mention I love your books? I really do..
I would like the book for my library. They don’t have any Christian books at all and most of the books have bad things in them. Most of the readers don’t even know that there are good books with out magic, language, or immorality.
Hey Jill! I love, love, love your shirt in the video!! 😀 Pure awesomeness!
I would love to win your ARC of Outcasts because there isn’t many Christian dystopian books and I LOVE dystopia! THE WORLD NEEDS MORE CHRISTIAN DYSTOPIA!
I loved your ‘Blood of Kings’ books and cannot wait to read this series. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I need, yes need your book. You see I’m a junkie. And one way or another Outcasts WILL be my next fix!!!
LOL! A junkie! That sounds serious. 🙂
I would love the book because
1. I love the first book
2. I read the first book and realized the second book hadn’t even come out yet.
3. I’m not patient:)