Family Fiction Magazine announced the results of their 2011 Reader’s Choice Awards in their May-June 2011 issue. There are some wonderful authors, books, and movies in this years results. Congrats to everyone who made the list.
To my delight, the To Darkness Fled book trailer took fifth place as a favorite book trailer, and I was voted fourth as a favorite speculative fiction author! Thank you very much for voting for me in this contest. I’m honored. And a big thanks to Leighton, Adele, Chris, Ness, Jacob, Jon, Robert, and the others involved in making the To Darkness Fled book trailer. You guys are awesome!
If you haven’t looked into Family Fiction Magazine, I highly recommend it. It’s totally free and is a great source for fiction for the whole family. Check out their website:
*jaw drops* WHOA! Jill! That’s fantastic news! I would have never guessed! *tries to re-attach jaw*
Hopefully the FDW book trailer garners even MORE press!!! *fistpump*
– Leighton
Yeah! Let’s take first next year, huh?
I read from Darkness Won! It’s an awesome finish to the series! Now I just wish that the series didn’t have to end! 😉
Thanks, Book Blogger! I’m glad you liked it. I will write more fantasy novels, but I’m not sure if my next one will take place in Er’Rets or not. Maybe something with Sir Gavin when he was younger. But I have some other ideas too. I’m still thinking about it.
Absolutely, Jill! I have reason to believe that this trailer will far surpass the last one, awesome as it was. 😀
Question: If you started a story and the writing were only so-so, would you start over, of finish it and edit it?
My writing is always only so-so at the start. I usually write a whole book only so-so. Then I go back in and shape it, rewrite it, tweak things, change scenes, add scenes, add research details, etc. That’s when the fun stuff happens for me. So I wouldn’t trash it. But every writer is different.
Hope that helps!