Hello, Novel Teeners! Since this is my first post here, let me tell you a little about myself. I’m Chris, a sixteen year-old writer. I LOVE books. Currently, I’m reading eight of them. If you think that’s a bit of overkill, well, I’d agree with you. But it’s normal for me. (My mom once told me that if I cut myself while chopping carrots, I’d probably bleed ink.)
Anyway, I’m very honored to be a part of this site. For my first post, I thought, what better way to kick things off than to interview a teenager who writes clean teen fiction? So I did, and that’s where J.R. Parker comes in.
J.R. Parker is the author of soon-to-be-released Kestrel’s Midnight Song, a young adult fantasy novel that he started writing at age fifteen. He blogs at YodelingDwarf.blogspot.com and tweets at twitter.com/YodelingDwarf. But you might want to start at his website: TeenFantasyAuthor.com. He’s currently giving away hundreds of fantasy books and gift cards as a promotional event. Check it out at KMSParty.blogspot.com.
Here’s my interview with Jacob:
Twitter your newest or upcoming release in 140 characters or less.
A: Can I use twitter-approved spelling and grammar then, too?
Maraudrs plot 2 free their legndry captain b4 his hanging and unleash the secret he guards. Only a slave, a giant, and a sheperd can stop’m #FBIMHTPT
(Who can guess in the comments section what that hashtag stands for?)
If you could bring any character from one of your books to life, who would it be and why?
A: Oh boy… that’s a scary thought. The character I would choose is Robbyn. The idea for her started out as the stereotypical really good waitress who enjoys joking around with all the “regulars” (particularly the tough, logger types) at your local diner. In the story, she’s a slave masquerading as an innkeeper and lives in constant fear that someone will discover her secret. Like I say, she started out based on a two dimensional stereotype of sorts, but she seems very real to me now (as do all of my characters). I would definitely like to meet her.
What is the one book you wish you had written and why?
A: There isn’t really one… That’s a big part of the reason I write. I suffer from the illusion that the stories in my head are more engrossing than the ones I’ve read. I’d honestly rather have written the books floating through my imagination than the masterful and popular ones already out there. Writing Kestrel’s Midnight Song was much more enjoyable than reading even my favorite books. There’s no known cure for this perpetually naive state of mind. If the subject were comic strips, however, Calvin & Hobbes is perfect and unreachable. I wish I’d created that.
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Your favorite chain restaurant?
A: Jack-in-the-Box! Hands down. I think it’s only in select western states. But it’s delicious. Hmmm, chain restaurant? My family is too frugal for sit-down restaurants. Oh wait! Old Country Buffet. I’ve been known to skip meals so I can fill up with more at Old Country Buffet. Great… now I’m hungry.
God tells you that you’ll never publish another book. Do you still keep writing?
A: That’s a good question. I’m not sure I know the answer. I’ve always written with the intent to publish, even in fourth grade. Unlike a lot of authors, who HAVE to write, I have this hunch that I’d be happy to enjoy the stories as they float through my head. For me, writing stories down is more about sharing them with other people than experiencing them. On the other hand, this story burning in my brain right now (the sequel to Kestrel’s Midnight Song), I definitely have to write it. And, in all likelihood, more ideas would come along that I’d be so excited about that I’d have to write.
Using the letters N T (for Novel Teen), create the title of your next bestseller.
A: Ninja Trolls. By the way, is there an invisible “C” in “Novel Teen?” If so, my answer is Nefarious Chia-pets.
What is your favorite vacation destination?
A: I went to the Oregon Christian Writers’ Conference last summer. And, honestly, I came back wanting to spend all my vacations at writers’ conferences. It was that much of a blast. I got to meet Novel Teen founder, Jill Williamson, there!
What are your three favorite books that you’ve read this past year?
A: The Blood of Kings Trilogy (See how sneakily I added two for one?), The Case of the Left-Handed Lady, Ender’s Game
Do you have any pets? If so, what kind. If not, why?
A: I have a pet moose named Lucy! Check out the pictures here. I have a dog, too—a german shepherd named Kodiak.
Thanks for stopping by Novel Teen, Jacob!
Readers, Jacob’s awesome book comes out this fall. Will be sure to let you all know as soon as you can get a copy!
I have no idea what #FBIMHTPT means, Jacob. I like your Twitter post, anyway. You’re very good at Twitter speak.
Great interview, Chris! 🙂
LOL, thanks Jill. Yeah, you’d have to be psychic… #Future Bestseller In My Home Town, Population Two Thousand. 😛
Thanks for the interview, Chris! On that question about creating a title from NT, you cut out the “(For example, Nocturnal Cheerleaders)” included in the question. Just thought I’d mention that for any confused readers.
The example was just to help you come up with an answer. Think I needed to leave it in for everyone? I didn’t want it to detract from your fabulous answer. 🙂
Great interview!! It’s so fun getting to know the authors behind the stories 🙂
Well, Nocturnal Cheerleaders IS a really good title. 😛
You’re welcome, Jacob. I’m happy to interview a #Future Bestseller. haha
Awesome interview! Fun reading!
hehe now it makes Jacob look silly 😉 LOL
Great interview! But I can’t believe you would steal the Ninja Trolls idea from me! 😐
That’s funny. I was getting #FacBook Is My Home To Post Tweets. (Which didn’;t make a ton of sense…
Thanks for the links, Chris. I’ll have to check that out.
Good interview, guys. Chia pets? 😛
Very excited…
This was so fun to read. I hope to hear more from both of you!!!