For years people have been asking me to write more books in the Blood of Kings storyworld. Well, I have done it. The series is called The Kinsman Chronicles (click here to read more). This isn’t more Achan and Vrell, but their ancestors. I think you’ll be intrigued to see where (and who) Achan and Vrell came from.
King’s Folly is the first book in The Kinsman Chronicles. And the release of King’s Folly is rapidly growing close.
I’m so excited!
Meanwhile, I’m also trying to finish book two (King’s Blood) and outline book three (King’s War). It’s very hard to do all of these things well when you’re doing them simultaneously.
That’s where you come in.
I am putting together a team to help me launch Project: King’s Folly, which consists of one print book and three serialized ebook parts. (Aren’t they pretty?)
If you join the King’s Folly Launch Team, here is what you will get for your time:
-The chance to read the book before everyone else. (It’s a BIG book, too. Over 180,000 words. The print book is currently estimated at 576 pages, though it’s over 800 in my Word document.)
–Advanced reader copies (in a digital format) of each part of King’s Folly before it is released to the world. (As shown above, the parts are titled: Darkness Reigns, The Heir War, and The End of All Things. Click here to read more about the serialized release.)
–A free paperback copy of King’s Folly when it releases in April 2016.
–Exclusive access to a private Facebook group where we can brainstorm promotion ideas for the release of the print book in April.
–The chance to see the behind-the-scenes of a book launch and interact with other launch team members.
–A special cyber hug and “Thank you!” on this blog with a link to your website (if you have one) and a sentence that shares what goes on there.
–Some fabulous freebies I’ll be doing in addition to the free books plus the chance to enter and earn a few extra prizes for those who create the most buzz (things like fantasy book packs, 20-page chapter edits for you writers out there, a sweet Jill-made banner/flag from the book, and who knows what other cool things we’ll dream up together).
–Spread the word (in whatever way works best for you) about the three ebook serial releases and the print release of King’s Folly.
–Buy a FREE copy of the ebook Darkness Reigns on Amazon, Nook, iTunes, Kobo, or CBD.
–write four honest book reviews (even if they are 1-star reviews!) and post them everywhere you can. is a must, but it also helps to post those reviews on Goodreads (if you have one), Barnes&,, iTunes, your blog (if you have one and a book review fits), Kobo, and/or on any other online retailer that carries the books.
-Strategic posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads about the books. (I’ll help you come up with things to say and when to say them.)
–Interact with the rest of the launch team to come up with new promotion ideas. (Be creative. I’m open to trying new things).
–Pray for me, the book, and the launch team.
I’m ready to give my ALL for the launch of this series, so I need to gather a team to support me. Please don’t apply if you don’t have the time or energy to dedicate in helping get the word out about King’s Folly. This isn’t just about getting a free copy of the book. If that’s your goal, feel free to contact the publisher and ask for a review copy.
Because of my personal time investment with this project (and my budget), I need to keep this group to a manageable size. Therefore, I’m going to limit the group, which means, unfortunately, I won’t be accepting everyone who applies.
Please take into account my release dates and plan accordingly. If you can’t commit to helping during these dates, don’t apply this time around. There will be other chances in the future for you to join a different launch team.
The four release dates are:
-Darkness Reigns (part one of King’s Folly) – December 1, 2015
-The Heir War (part two of King’s Folly) – February 1, 2016
-The End of All Things (part three of King’s Folly) – April 1, 2016
-King’s Folly full print book – April 1, 2016
You don’t have to have a blog or a huge Twitter following to be on my team. I am looking for people who are eager to spread the word about this new series, who love epic fantasy, who aren’t bothered by stories written from a Christian worldview, who understand the audience I’m trying to reach, who will write honest and helpful reviews and post them on Amazon and other places, and will participate as a member of the team.
I am looking for people who are obsessed with books and talk about them all the time, who can tell me about the last time they sold a book to a friend, just by talking it up.
I am this way for Brandon Sanderson. I have sold hundreds of his books, and he doesn’t even know it! I turned a copy of Mistborn face out at the local Goodwill the other day, just so it might catch someone’s eye. I feel as though his books NEED to be read by as many people as possible. I have given myself the mission of helping make this happen.
This is the level of dedication I’m looking for in Launch Team members. *wink*
What do you think? It’s going to be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to get to know all of you better. And I bet you all will make some new friends in the process.
The application form will close on Friday, October 30 at 6:00 p.m. Pacific time. If you are accepted into the King’s Folly Launch Team, you’ll receive an email from me by October 31. Please be honest in all your answers because I will use them to form a well-rounded team. I need some Twitter gurus, some that are great at blogging, some who excel on Facebook, some who participate in online forums, some who are gamers, some who read only books published in the general market, and some who read nothing but books published in the Christian specialty market.
I need all kinds.
Will you join me?
If you know someone who would LOVE to be on the Launch Team, please share this post with them. We need to seek out the few, the creative, the clever. Help me find them!
Thanks for applying! If you missed the chance to apply this time around, keep an eye out for when I put together a launch team for book two, sometime next summer.
I wish I could do this . . . but I don’t have a Facebook profile, and I’m not likely to get one anytime soon. 😛
I’m sorry, Sarah. 🙁 I realize not everyone has a Facebook account, but it’s the easiest way I know to communicate with a large group of people.
Sorry Jill. I’d love to … but no Facebook account or Twitter :(. P.S. Just realized Abby Goyer (Replication) looks like a younger version of my youth pastor’s girlfriend. Creepy.
Aww, I’m sorry about that, Steven. Maybe I’ll do it differently next time.
Abby… that’s funny. That girl is actually Gillian Bronte Adams, the fantasy author. You should check out her book. It’s pretty good. Here’s a link:
Yay! Yay! Yay! How exciting! I totally just signed up 🙂
Thanks, Adriana!
Just did the application – had to resend said it timed out.
Love being an influencer – hope I get in – if not I’ll still promote you!
Thanks, Meagan. I’m sorry you had trouble with my form. I think next time I’ll use Google Forms. They always seem to work.
Just applied –thanks for the opportunity!
For the normal book audience (non-launch team), the e-book parts vs. the print version is interesting. If you go with the e-books, you get to read them sooner …
Will there be any “perk” to getting the hardcopy? I’ve seen e-book novella sets released in print, often with a never before published short story. Having an “extra” might prompt people to buy the print version even though they already have the ebook version.
*Off topic* As I was filling out the application, I saw on the sidebar “Achan and Vrell Novella word count” and … that just made my day. ^_^ Looking forward to it (and Darkness Reigns, which has been preordered for too long, LOL). =)
I don’t know if there will be anything extra in the print version. We haven’t talked about it yet, but it’s a good idea. I’ll forward your suggestion to my editor and we’ll see what he says. 🙂
The Achan and Vrell novella! It will be a while, but it WILL HAPPEN. I promise.
Because I know sometimes your forms are squirrelly…I applied! 🙂
Thanks, Lisa! 🙂