This past weekend I got my panel assignments for Salt Lake Comic Con, which is coming up September 4-6, 2014. I’m so excited, and a little nervous to sit alongside some of these prolific authors like Jennifer Nielsen and David Farland! (Brandon Sanderson will be there, alas I did not get assigned on any panels with him.)
If you live in Salt Lake or know someone who does, tell them to come out for Comic Con. It’s going to be lots of fun. Click here to learn more. And check out my panel assignments:
Go Teen Writers!
Thursday September 4, 2014 5:00 pm to 5:50 pm
CALLING ALL TEEN WRITERS!! Come join a panel of Young Adult authors as they talk about why they chose to write for teens and what advice they have for aspiring authors. Learn how to make time for writing and much more!
Room 255C
Shallee McArthur
Jennifer Jenkins
Megan Hutchins
Peggy Eddleman
Brittany Casselman
Holli Anderson
Jill Williamson
Magic, Myths, Legends, Archetypes and the Supernatural: What Writers of Speculative Fiction Have to Work With
Friday September 5, 2014 5:00 pm to 5:50 pm
Sorcery. Vampires. The Apocalypse. Super Powers. Writers of Speculative Fiction have a plethora of wacky elements to tinker with in their work. Join this panel to discuss the gamut of this intriguing style of writing.
Room 255E
Michelle Witte
Jill Williamson
Sarah E. Seeley
Jennifer Nielsen
Cindy Grigg
Platte Clark
Mikey Brooks
Comic Con Writer’s Retreat Part 2: Writing Your Novel
Friday September 5, 2014 6:00 pm to 6:50 pm
Now that you have your novel outlined and primed to write, what’s next? Join our panel of veteran writers and they take you through the process of tackling the task of writing your novel, along with any advice they can offer to make your journey less daunting along the way.
Room 255B
John W. Otte
Lisa Mangum
Marion Jensen
Bree Despain
Renee Collins
Jill Williamson
Shannen Camp
How to Write Great Science Fiction and Fantasy
Saturday September 6, 2014 11:00 am to 11:50 am
What separates good and great science fiction and fantasy, and what can you to do make sure that yours lands in the latter category? Our panel full of talented authors will tell you the secrets you need to turn your own science fiction and fantasy writing into something amazing.
Room 255B
Eric James Stone
Chad Morris
Mette Ivie Harrison
Larry Correia
John Brown
Kevin J. Anderson
Jill Williamson
Building a Move-In Ready World
Saturday September 6, 2014 5:00 pm to 5:50 pm
How do you craft a world for your new novel or story that feels used and lived in? It’s the challenge of every creator to make audiences feel at home in their imagined universe. Our panel helps you develop the tools you need to create your world and move right in with the story.
Room 255B
Jill Williamson
Brian McClellan
Shallee McArthur
Tyler H. Jolley
Megan Hutchins
Valerie Gardner
David Farland
I’m so jealous you’ll be on a panel with Kevin J. Anderson. Love his Star Wars books!
I wish I’d read them! There just isn’t enough time to read everyone’s stuff! I Googled all the other authors I’m on panels with today, and he’s one that I’m like… Oh. Hi. LOL
They really like you in Salt Lake City, don’t they, Jill?
I have no idea! But I just spent three days there and had a lot of fun. I hope to go back next year. 🙂