Since it’s the start of a new year—and since I usually fail to follow through on my New Year’s Resolutions—I decided to try something different for 2012. I thought up ten things I’d like to do that I haven’t ever done or that I haven’t done in a long time. I figure blogging about it might hold me accountable, and you all can witness my adventures and think about trying something like this for yourself.
So here is my list of ten things to try in 2012:
1. Make my own laundry detergent. My friend Mama Lusco taught me how to do this and even gave me a five-gallon bucket to keep it in. It lasts a long time and is inexpensive. I bought the stuff to make more, and it’s been sitting in a bag for months! This year, I will do this on my own, and I will teach you all how to do it.
2. Go scuba diving (or snorkeling, if that’s the only option). My husband has ALWAYS wanted to go scuba diving. Me? I’m not a great swimmer. But for him, I’ll give it a whirl. We are going on a cruise this year, so if we can find a place to scuba dive, I’m in! If not, snorkeling will be our back-up.
3. Try new church. I love doing this. I find it fascinating to see how other people and denominations worship. I’m traveling a bit this year, and I’m hoping to have a Sunday away to give this a try in some other states.
4. Choose a life verse and/or write a mission statement for my life and career. This is something I’ve always wanted to do and never have.
5. Volunteer to be a lunch buddy at my local elementary school. This sounds like a fun way to love on someone who could use it and to get to know the kids my kids go to school with.
6. I will try a Zumba class. What!?! It looks fun! As long as no one is watching…
7. Call old friend. I have some dear friends that I don’t talk to often enough and I hate that. Facebook, while a lot of fun, just isn’t the same, you know?
8. Paint self portrait. I just think this sounds like a lot of messy fun.
9. Learn to fire a rifle. I have a friend who invited me to come out and shoot some of her guns. I figured this would be really good writing research and fun as well.
10. And then… *sigh* I will go hunting (for a BIRD). My pal Greg who helped me with hunting details for my Blood of Kings books continues to invite me to go hunting. Will I eat the bird, if I get one? I suppose. Might as well go all out. (I’m not going to waste the poor thing’s life!) As long as I pretend to be Achan or Eli (characters from my books who hunt) then I should manage. Though Achan wouldn’t have a gun…
So there you have it! Wish me luck. I’ll post my adventures throughout this year so you can see how I fare.
That’s awesome! I’d love to go scuba diving and chose a life verse. 🙂
I would absolutely LOVE to go scuba diving too. Actually, I would volunteer to get gills if ever the opportunity arose. Doesn’t look like I’ll have an opportunity to use go scuba diving OR get gills any time soon. Maybe one day when all the kids move out.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it or not, Caprice. My husband is like you. He’d like some gills.
Have fun, Jill!! That sounds like an awesome and inspiriting list.
Thanks, Laurie!
I think it’s awesome that you’re doing #5! There is absolutely no such thing as too many helpers in an elementary school lunch room until the ratio is higher than 1:1! Since I’m a teacher and have been in a number of different schools I’m speaking from experience here! 😀
Now, here’s my secret to a successful (AKA: relatively quiet and calm) lunch period: Where’s Waldo Books and laminated check lists of all the things they need to find on each page. You assign the kids to a partner and when they finish eating, you give them a book and a checklist. Then make a laminated “Waldo Watcher Of The Day” award to tape to their desks after lunch for the pair that found everything the fastest. This keeps them out of trouble while waiting for the others. And in the school I spent the most time at, this was important because recess was at the lunch table in the winter. But it’s an easy book to get lots of copies of at the library and it keeps ’em relatively quiet and calm.
That’s a really fun suggestion, Jamie! So far my girl likes to play BUMP, so I play too. There was one rainy day where we all played board games inside.
Great ideas, Jill! Thanks for posting.
Looks like a great list! I can help you with a few 🙂 The idea for a life verse isn’t something I had though of. Let me know what you come up with! The new website is great, by the way 🙂
Thanks, Angie! I definitely need your help with a few. 🙂
And I’ll let you know how the life verse thing works out.