Time sprints in the summer. I can hardly keep up! But here’s what I’ve been doing lately.
Speaking: I went up to a junior high school camp and talked to some teens about being a writer. That was a lot of fun. And I’m heading out to the Oregon Christian Writer’s Conference in a few weeks. I’ll be teaching a few workshops there–and having a blast, as usual. OCW is one of my favorite confrences. I highly recommend checking it out.
Writing: I’m still waiting to hear back from my agent on some stories we submitted. Sometimes the waiting game can go on a long, looonnnggg time.
In the meantime, I finished the story for the Spirited Anthology and sent that off. Then I wrote up a proposal for a new fantasy novel that’s got a Lloyd Alexander feel to it. It’s called The Shardlands. We’ll see if that idea goes anywhere. I drew a map for it, of course, which you can see here. (I LOVE MAKING MAPS!) Click on the map to see it larger.
I’ve also been working on my baby, The New Recruit, my old spy series (first book I ever wrote). I’ve been working on my characters, making them stronger. I also rewrote the first five chapters over the past week. It’s been fun.
The By Darkness Hid podcast: I’ve posted up to chapter 14, which will get me through August. My kids will be back in school by then, so it will be easier to find time to record the rest of the book.
Marketing: I haven’t done too much here. I did find out that Replication: The Jason Experiment might not make it to most bookstores before Christmas, so I’m not pushing the Santa hat thing anymore. 🙁 I did print up bookmarks for Replication, though. If you want one, drop me your mailing address, and I’d be happy to mail you some. I use the bookmarks to give away copies of the book when I speak. So far I’ve given away eleven copies! And I don’t even have the book yet! lol
And my Kindle giveaway is still going strong. If you have’t entered yet, it’s free to do so. Click here for more information.
A new fantasy novel with a Lloyd Alexander feel? Whoa, that sounds like I would LOVE to read it. Yes, yes! Write that one! 🙂 Very cool map. (oh, and should it be “Syrinx” and “Little Strinx”, as it currently is on the map, or are they supposed to be the same and there’s a typo?)
By the way, I was wondering if it was on purpose that Nitsa and Sitna were anagrams of each other in the Blood of Kings Trilogy, or if it was a coincidence. Just thought it was funny . . .
I recently finished reading all three books and love love loved them, so thank you! Keep writing! 🙂
D. S. Dahnim
Thanks, D.S.! I’ll write it if the publisher is interested. I hope they are, because I like the idea too. 😛
It’s supposed to be Syrinx and Little Syrinx. I’ll have to go fix it. Thanks for catching that!
LOL! Nope, Nitsa and Sitna’s anagramness is a total coincidence. That is funny. Thanks for reading the books! I’m so glad you liked them.