There are some things in life we are all called to do. Love God. Love one and other.
But in regard to our dreams, we all have different gifts. Some of us are good with people, some are good with numbers. Megan works great with kids but doesn’t know what to say to the elderly. Martin does great with athletes but has no clue what to say to dancers. Kelly is a great cook but she can’t sing. And Pastor John can preach the Word but don’t hand him a baby!
God gifts each of us with specific talents and abilities for a reason. He intends for us to use them! Maybe not all at once. But our abilities are no coincidence. They are part of God’s plan for each of us.
But I want to caution you in two ways. First, just because you’re called to work with homeless people, that doesn’t give you a right to make others feel guilty because they aren’t so called. You may love your calling with a passion, and you may wish there were more people called to it, but you mustn’t point your finger and judge those who aren’t serving alongside you. God will call who he wants to call. So you do what you are called to do and leave the calling to God.
Second, just because the church nursery, AIDS orphans, the church choir, human trafficking, Samaritan’s Purse, the youth group, the local abortion clinic, or the current mission trip are all powerful ministries, that doesn’t mean you must give time and money to all of them to be a good person. If you have the extra time and money and feel led to give, do so. But we can’t do everything! And we can’t give money to everything! There are just too many wonderful causes out there. And if God has called you to work with the homeless, you can’t do it with all your heart if you’re also helping with eight other ministries. Let your service be worthwhile. Give God 100% in all you do. And learn to say no.
In fact, I give you permission to say no. If it’s not your calling, say no. Because you might be in the way of someone who is called! So trust that you know what God has called you to. And if you don’t know, or you think you’re good at nothing, think again! According to Romans 8:28, all have been called. Talk to your youth pastor or pastor about how you can discover your strengths and consider asking about a spiritual gifts survey to help you figure it out. But be patient. Sometimes God calls but doesn’t give the details for a while (sometimes years) as he waits for us to grow.
How has God gifted you? What are you good at?
Great post, Jill. Thanks.
I needed to read these things. Especially the part about saying no. This people-pleasing person needs to hear that often.
Have a fantastic day.
Me too, Kristen!
“No! No, no, no!”
Just practicing. *grin*
Wow, this post is very enlightening and hit me exactly where I am right now. I’ve been taking steps to defy what I’m expected to do in order to follow what God’s currently calling me to do (though He’s equipped me in many areas). It’s an adventure and He placed your post in my e-mail this morning to encourage me at the exact moment I’ve been a little doubtful. Thank you!
That’s great, Nadine! Keep at it! God is faithful! And so very good. 🙂