Today is the day! *dances* After four years of hard work, the final installments of the Kinsman Chronicles, King’s War and Warriors of the Veil, have released into the wild.
King’s War is my 20th book. It feels surreal to hold this one and to look at the stack of author copies and remember what it took to finish.
The Kinsman Chronicles were by far the most challenging books I’ve ever written. At the time, it seemed like a good idea to try my hand at epic fantasy, the way general market authors do, with multiple points of views and storylines that weave into one grand epic. “It seemed like a good idea at the time” is a mantra I have parroted more than a few times in my life. Funny how one can get an idea 💡in a breath that takes four years to complete.
I have a new respect for authors like J. R. R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, Brent Weeks, and Ken Follett. And I can sympathize with George R. R. Martin, who has yet to finish his epic series. I get it, George. There’s a lot to tie up. A lot.
Thankfully, my epic was only a trilogy, so I managed the feat in four years and now get to move on to a new idea. Such is the life of a novelist. I’m grateful for the opportunity I had to write this series and for all it taught me. I’m also thankful to my publisher for investing in it and all my explorers who took the plunge and read all three. ❤
And if you haven’t read these books yet, I’m having a sale. So this is a good time to grab them, if they’re been on your list. You can get all three autographed paperbacks for $30 through June 30, 2018, while supplies last. Click here to visit my bookstore.
This week I celebrate a major feat. 📚 I will post pictures, have parties, and crow just a little. I’m the best kind of proud of my book babies, going out into the world to make their way. To remind a broken world that there is reason to hope. To shine light in the darkness.
Happy reading, Explorers. Don’t get lost in there. 😉
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