All finished?
If you’re done with all 19 stops, enter the prophecy that leads Wilek, Trevn, and the kinsman fleet to Er’Rets in the Rafflecopter form below. You can either enter your email or log in with Facebook on the form. A box will appear for you to type in the sentence you created by putting all the clue words together in order. I will contact the winners on February 21, so please add to your email list. Winners names will also appear in the Rafflecopter form, so you can check back to see who won.
Take the Lost At Sea Bonus Quiz
If you have read all the posts and think you know your stuff, you can take the Bonus Quiz to enter to win the second Kindle. Click here to take the Lost At Sea Scavenger Hunt Quiz.
Thanks for taking part in the Lost At Sea Scavenger Hunt! I hope you enjoyed meeting so many talented authors. Be sure to look for their books online, at your local library, or a bookstore near you.
What were the prizes again?
First Prize: Kindle Fire or ($50 Amazon Gift Card) and signed copies of King’s Folly and King’s Blood (unsigned if international winner).
Second Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card and signed paperback copies of King’s Folly and King’s Blood (unsigned if international winner).
Third Prize: Signed paperback copies of King’s Folly and King’s Blood (unsigned if international winner).
Bonus Quiz Prize: Kindle Fire or ($50 Amazon Gift Card) and signed copies of King’s Folly and King’s Blood (unsigned if international winner).
Bonus giveaways: Look for more giveaways on various participating author sites (see each site during the hunt for details).
Looking for the first stop? You can find Stop #1 by clicking here.
Missed the final stop? You’re here! Enter on the Rafflecopter form above.
Did you miss a stop in-between? Click here to find links to all posts.
Having trouble with the Rafflecopter entry form? Email your name and the final sentence to and you will be entered manually.
Can’t find the Bonus Quiz? Click here to take the Lost At Sea Scavenger Hunt Quiz.
Questions? Email
Thanks for this fun scavenger hunt!
You’re welcome, Kathy!
Thank you for doing this scavenger hunt! It is nice way to discover new authors and books!
So glad you joined us, Elaina. 🙂
This was so much fun, Jill! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!
You’re welcome, Rachelle! Thanks for playing. 🙂
That was fun! I enjoyed learning about new books and authors I had never heard of before! Thanks!
You’re very welcome, Celia. Thanks for participating!
That was interesting! I may have found a couple more authors to fill in the gaps between my favorites. Thanks!
Wonderful, Deanna! I’m so glad. 🙂
Congrats on your new release, Jill! 🙂 This was so much fun! Thanks for the AWESOME scavenger hunt. It was really nice meeting you, the other authors, and everyone’s books.
God bless you! <3
Thanks, Jannette! I’m so glad you had fun and met new authors. Wah hoo!
This was super fun, thank you!
You’re welcome, Lia! 🙂
Thank you for all the work on a fun scavenger hunt!
You’re welcome, Susan!
This was sooooo fun!!!! ACK. *flailing*
I so enjoyed the different posts, meeting authors and books familiar and new, and of course the OH SO FUN thread of Wilek and Trevn and co. traveling through these places… (Beanstalk… yusss. I especially loved Wilek and Trevn in modern times… hilarious! Dangerous streets and magical lights and Starbucks, and driving in a pickup, and Wilek and Trevn camping in a football field–that made my day! XD)
Thank you so much for such a fun scavenger hunt (epic map included!) and a chance at these epic giveaways and just ALL THE FUN!!! I enjoyed myself immensely. ^_^ I can’t wait to finish reading King’s Blood and see them actually find their new land! 😉
So glad you had fun, Deborah, and that you found a bunch of new authors. I did have fun writing Wilek and Trevn’s scenes, though I had some help. One of my favorites was the scene John Otte wrote about Trevn wanting to figure out how a cyborg worked. 😉
Jill, thank you for this fun Scavenger Hunt!
You’re welcome! Thanks for playing. 🙂
Wow! That was fun! And I have more books for my must read list! 😉
Wonderful! Thanks so much for participating, Teish!
Thanks! Great fun and a super way to check out other fine authors.
So glad you had fun, Gary! 🙂
Thank you for the Scavenger Hunt! It was great fun! ^_^
Thanks so much for participating! 🙂
Thank you! That was fun and I found new authors…woohoo!!!!
You’re welcome, Flo. And, excellent! So glad you found some new authors. 🙂
What fun! An all-star list of many of my favorite authors, and some new ones to discover. I love speculative fiction! Thanks for a great scavenger hunt!
You’re welcome, Rachel. Thanks for playing. So glad you discovered some new authors too! 🙂
Thank you for this Scavenger Hunt. I had fun finding out new authors and reading all of the blog posts!!
I’m so glad, Rebecca. Thanks so much for playing!
Thanks so much for the Scavenger Hunt! I hope it was as much fun for you and the other authors to put together as it was for us readers to navigate! Praise God for his gift of imagination and the way we can transform that into beloved fiction adventures!
It was fun, Laura, though a lot of work too. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 And, yes. Glory to God for such wonderful stories!
This scavenger hunt has been so much fun! I thoroughly enjoyed learning about all of the participating authors and their books. The prizes make it all the more exciting. Thanks! 🙂
You’re welcome, Mallory. Thanks so much for participating!
FUUUN!!!!!!!!!! This was so much fun!! 🙂
Looved the quiz at the end. The Melanie Dickerson question especially! 😉 They were really hard! I had to look most of them up. . . ooops. But I did read almost all the posts.’
Did you write the little journey story in each post? I LOVED that. 😀 I love Trevn and Willek already… well, I already loved them because my sis has told me all about them. Someday hopefully I’ll feel brave enough to read them! 😉
Thanks so much for this! And the other authors too! 🙂
God bless you, Jill!
So glad you had fun, Rebekah!
I did write most of the Wilek/Trevn stuff. Some of the participating authors helped.
And, no, that’s Er’Rets Point. Land’s End is on the western coast of Barth duchy. But you totally have the right idea. 😉