It’s been far too long since I posted any fan art. It is such a great compliment when I hear that one of my books inspired a reader to create art of their own. I get giddy just thinking about it. These two drawings came from Rebekah. Both were inspired by the Blood of Kings novels. First we have the cursed allown tree in Allowntown. And the second drawing is of the vineyard in Carmine. Aren’t they amazing? You probably can’t see it as well as I can on the originals, but there is so much detail on every leaf and grape.
Lovely work, Rebekah. Thanks so much for the gift of these drawings, and for allowing me to share them with my readers.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. This lit up my day. ^_^
(Also, your copies in the pic on twitter are so CRISP. O_O It almost makes me want new ones. Ours have gone through 8 readings, a drink spill, and are full off scraps of paper for bookmarks, which means they are loved. ^_^)
It made my day when I received them! Sorry it took me so long to post them. Life is wild and crazy sometimes.
As to the books, oh, my, yes. They are so thick, they don’t take beatings very well. I had a friend tell me that his daughter’s copy of To Darkness Fled ripped in half she read it so much! I am glad they are loved by so many. <3 <3
Hello, the images are no longer working, could we fix this please?
Sorry, Ken. My website had some technical difficulties about three years back, and I lost many of my old blog post images. I was able to find the Twitter version of this one, but not the flat scans I’d done for the original post. But at least you can see it now!